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The CCM Vocal Pedagogy Institute
Matt is Artistic Director of the CCM Voice Pedagogy Institute at Shenandoah Conservatory. The Institute gives teachers the tools to work at the intersection of Identity, Technique, and Artistry, so singers can free themselves to be who they want to be. The award winning faculty consists of pedagogues, speech-language pathologists, voice researchers, performers, and teachers who put their clients first and believe in the power of a collaborative community. Click here for more information.

"So You Want to Sing Rock" is the 2nd edition of "So You Want to Sing Rock 'n Roll." The second edition has been completely rewritten to give readers a step-by-step process for coordinating their instrument so their voices can respond to their intent as performers. Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books a Million.

Follow Matt on Instagram and TikTok @Edwards_Voice

Matt featured in "Training Contemporary Commercial Singers"
Matt is one of twenty-six teacher from around the world featured in Dr. Elizabeth Benson's new book. Teachers were selected through a global survey and Benson provides all of their answers to pedagogical questions as well as summarizing her findings. A great book for anyone interested in reading multiple perspectives on training non-classical singers.

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